Protect Ohio's Great Lake

Sierra Club is a champion of dam removal – having worked tirelessly in Ohio and across the country to remove dams so that watersheds and wildlife can be returned to more natural states. Now, we need your help to advocate for the safe removal of Ohio's largest dam.

Tell the USFW to safely remove Ballville Dam.

Ballville Dam should be removed, but we need to protect wildlife, the Sandusky River, and Lake Erie at the same time. Located just 18 miles from the Sandusky Bay, the dam holds enough contaminated soil behind it to cover the length of 80 football fields ten feet high. Removing the dam without first removing the contaminated soils not only threatens to wipe out walleye and bass spawning areas, it would very likely add to Lake Erie’s growing problem with toxic algae.


The public is split on this issue – some want the Dam to remain standing, while others want it removed immediately. Our request represents the middle ground: the best way to protect the environment, fish populations, and Lake Erie is to remove the soil from behind the dam before taking it down.  


Your voice matters! Take action today!