Wilderness Training 101: Retreat Highlights

By Nicole Tabit, Clean Water Fellow

Recently, I attended the Ohio Chapter Retreat at Maumee Bay State Park. I spent the day in Outings Leader Training (OLT), learning Wilderness First Aid and how to lead a group of people on an outing. OLT was hosted by the SOLO School of Wilderness Medicine, and they taught the group basic first aid, for any situation you might find yourself in while leading a trip. I took the course with a few other students, from Ohio State University and University of Cincinnati, as well as a variety of other members, volunteers, and staff of the Sierra Club. During the retreat, we had the opportunity to practice leading a small group around the wetlands of Maumee Bay, which was a great way to make connections with other environmentalists from around the state, and work in a group setting! In the evening, I had the chance to connect with other Clean Water Fellows who weren’t in the wilderness training, and listen to some great speakers, to learn about sustainability efforts across Ohio and on other college campuses.