News: NC can achieve clean future with more renewables, not Duke’s fossilized plan

Regulated monopoly Duke Energy's proposed North Carolina Carbon Plan would violate federal rules governing new gas plants and underinvest in no-regrets, carbon-free, renewable energy resources, a group of clean energy and environmental advocates noted today (May 29) in testimony filed at the North Carolina Utilities Commission.

The Southern Environmental Law Center represents the Natural Resources Defense Council, the Sierra Club, and the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, and submitted testimony jointly with the NC Sustainable Energy Association in the Carbon Plan and long-term resource plan proceeding. The groups also noted that Duke’s proposed Carbon Plan would miss a state climate deadline by five or more years.

A 2021 bipartisan state law – which Duke helped shape – requires North Carolina’s power sector to reduce heat-trapping carbon pollution 70% below 2005 levels by 2030 and tasks the utilities commission with developing a plan to meet that deadline. Duke’s proposal would slow-walk investment in available, reliable clean energy, extending the timeline for carbon reduction to 2035 or even later.

"It’s insulting to think that Duke's customers should shoulder the cost of infrastructure that would violate federal standards in a few short years," said Mikaela Curry, field manager for the Sierra Club. "The utility's delayed coal retirement schedule and proposal to build out massive methane gas infrastructure is not only dangerous for the climate and public health, but illogical when it comes to meeting the energy needs of North Carolinians in a cost-effective, reliable, and long-term manner."


Testimony submitted by SELC says that, in order to comply with state law and meet climate targets affordably and reliably, Duke must accelerate the development of carbon-free, clean energy resources, including solar power, offshore wind, battery storage, and energy efficiency. Duke's plan currently imposes annual limits on the development of certain clean energy resources like battery storage.

Duke's proposal would result in the construction of five new, massive combine-cycle gas-fired power plants across North and South Carolina by 2033 and would represent one of the largest overall gas buildouts in the country. Gas-fired power plants pollute the climate with carbon and methane, while gas pipelines threaten neighboring communities. Critically, Duke's gas buildout would breach a federal rule that significantly limits carbon pollution from new gas plants after 2032.

The North Carolina Utilities Commission will authorize a Carbon Plan at the end of 2024.