Letter from Jones Street: It's quiet … too quiet

This week, the legislature largely cancelled its business to allow members to attend the funeral of the father of Speaker Tim Moore. Next week should be a busy one, so get ready!

We expect the House to consider whether to override Governor Cooper's veto of H198, DOT Legislative Changes. This is the bill that contained the provisions to expand cutting zones around billboards and remove native redbuds' protected status in those zones. 

Cooper's veto of H198 is, as far as we know, the first time a governor has objected to a bill from one of his own cabinet agencies.

If the House votes to override, possibly on Wednesday, the question then moves to the Senate. If the Senate overrides the bill becomes law “over the objections of the Governor.”

BUDGET: Negotiations seem to be at a standstill and we are already weeks behind the proposed budget schedule.

TAKE ACTION: Please ask your lawmakers to uphold Governor Cooper's veto!