News: NC Sierra Club Welcomes Biser Confirmation to Lead DEQ

The N.C. Senate today (Aug. 24) voted 42-0 to confirm the appointment of Elizabeth Biser as secretary of the Department of Environmental Quality, a move praised by the N.C. Sierra Club.

"Secretary Biser has the training and experience to guide North Carolina's efforts to protect our environment through regulatory oversight and enforcement," said Cynthia Satterfield, state director of the N.C. Sierra Club. "Given the recently released IPCC research on climate change, it's critical for our state to have environmental leaders whose work will be guided by sound science and environmental justice. Elizabeth Biser is just such a leader. She has a strong grasp of the breadth of issues that DEQ works on, the regulatory process and the importance of environmental enforcement."

Biser previously worked for DEQ's predecessor agency, the N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources, as director of legislative and governmental affairs, and most recently worked for the Recycling Partnership.