NC Sierra Club at 50: Sierrans Step Up for the Croatan

The Croatan National Forest is a natural treasure worth fighting to protect. Volunteer leaders with the N.C. Sierra Club were more than willing to wade into that fight in 2016 when we filed a federal lawsuit over plans to build a highway through the protected land.

Michael Murdoch, former chair of our Croatan Group, and project advisor John Fussell describe in this video how coastal Sierrans spoke up to protect the national forest, enlisting legal experts from the Club and Chapter when agencies refused to change the highway's route.

This story is one of many we'll share about the Chapter's work this year, as we celebrate our 50th anniversary as part of the nation's oldest environmental advocacy organization.

The legal battle ended in April 2018, when we and the N.C. Department of Transportation settled out of court. While the road construction will go on as planned, North Carolina will provide millions of dollars to offset damage done to the forest by purchasing and protecting new lands in Carteret, Jones and Craven counties.

You can read more about the settlement here.