Short and sweet at the NCGA this week

By Cassie Gavin
Senior Director of Government Relations

This was a short week at the General Assembly; we did not see votes on environmental bills. The legislature is on a break until Oct. 21.

Meanwhile, the General Assembly and North Carolina voters eagerly await on a court to determine if the voting district maps recently passed by the legislature will be approved or if another redraw to address partisan gerrymandering may be ordered. The court may act on the maps any day.

Duke Energy’s multi-year ratemaking bill stalls in House

Early this month the Senate passed Duke Energy’s bill - Senate Bill 559 “Storm Securitization/Alt. Rates” - in much the same form as it was before the House made the controversial multi-year ratemaking part into a study. The House has not yet taken it the revised bill for a vote though there was much speculation that they might do so this week.

Thank you to those who reached out to your legislators asking them to oppose S 559; it’s making a difference. If you’ve not done so yet, please do so here because the House could take up S 559 as soon as they return.