Vetos, amendments and Farm Act - oh my!

By Cassie Gavin
Director of Government Relations

State lawmakers focused this week on overriding several gubernatorial vetoes and considering amendments to the state constitution that would go on the November ballot including: 

Legislative leaders have also said that they are considering a constitutional amendment to limit Governor Cooper’s authority over the State Board of Elections. Learn more about the proposed constitutional amendments here

There was no action on environmental bills this week but note that Governor Cooper has until next week to take action on Senate Bill 711, the Farm Act, which the Sierra Club opposes because of environmental justice concerns. 

Opportunity for Action:

Please contact Governor Cooper and request that the S 711, the Farm Act, be vetoed because all North Carolinians deserve a fair chance to protect their health and homes from environmental nuisances. 

The House Speaker stated this week that his plan is to adjourn by the end of next week. Expectations are that the legislature will adjourn after taking up the constitutional amendments described above along with additional ones and after addressing any additional bills vetoed by Governor Cooper.