Help protect marine mammals from seismic testing

Seismic testing for oil and gas off the North Carolina coast can have a detrimental effect on many things - wildlife, tourism and the environment.

Right now, the federal government wants your input on requests for permits that would allow an impact on whales, dolphins and other marine mammals.

Have your say before the 30-day comment period closes! Note that comments are only being accepted on the marine mammal impact - off-topic comments will be disregarded.

The North Carolina Sierra Club is teaming with other coastal environmental groups to mount opposition to President Trump's efforts to open the Atlantic coast to seismic testing and offshore drilling.

More than a year ago, our collective efforts helped to convince President Obama to take the mid-Atlantic coastline out of the federal government's five-year plan for offshore drilling. Let's put that winning energy to work again with the current administration! Renewable energy and efficiency should be enough to help us meet our needs without endangering our coastal wildlife and environment, as well as the industries - tourism, for one - that depend on their health.

If you'd like to join the fight, contact Coastal Conservation Programs Coordinator Erin Carey

Get more details about the coalition in this Star-News story.