Tell Governor McCrory to veto the Polluter Protection Act

In the last day of its session, the legislature passed the worst environmental bill of the year -- and perhaps the worst of Governor McCrory's tenure. The Sierra Club and 14 other environmental groups immediately called on Governor McCrory for a veto.

Click here to send your own message asking Governor McCrory to veto this bill today!

H765 lets polluters avoid accountability and keeps local communities from knowing about contamination in their neighborhoods in certain circumstances. Here are just a few reasons why Governor McCrory should veto this bill. H765:

  • Protects polluters by giving them immunity from fines and penalties in certain cases;
  • Weakens protections for nearly half of our state's streams; and,
  • Allows polluters to avoid full cleanup of contamination not just on their own properties -- but also on neighboring properties.

Thousands of North Carolinians called on the legislature in these last few weeks in opposition to this bill. We need thousands more to call on the Governor to veto this destructive bill. 

Click here to take action today!