Attack on environmental protections: Contact your legislator today!

In the last days of this long legislative session, the General Assembly is poised to pass a bill that amounts to a grab bag of anti-environmental rollbacks. Among other things, a provision in H 765 would give polluters a get-out-of-jail-free card if they self-report violations in certain circumstances. The provision would make information about certain self-reported environmental violations confidential and create a new way for polluters to get immunity from fines and penalties. 

We should not give polluters a free pass! 

There’s not much time to stop this provision.  We need you to speak up today! Click here to contact your legislators now!

Versions of this language have been proposed before but failed to become law - for good reason. The self-audit provision would do two things: 

  • Create a new privilege for companies to keep internal environmental audits secret.
  • Provide immunity from civil penalties and fines to companies that self-report environmental violations. 

Take action now!