BREAKING: State Environmental Policy Under Attack

The NC House is expected to hear a bill that would severely weaken the NC Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) on Wednesday, April 29.

What is SEPA? 

In 1969, the US Congress passed one of the nation’s great environmental laws, NEPA, or the National Environmental Policy Act. In 1971, the North Carolina General Assembly enacted and Gov. Bob Scott signed into law the NC Environmental Policy Act of 1971, known as SEPA. House Bill 795 would severely weaken this fundamental state environmental program, leaving a shell in place. 

SEPA offers North Carolinians the assurance that when public funds are spent or public land is used, the environmental impacts, and costs & benefits of a project are assessed, and alternatives considered. It offers taxpayer protection as well as environmental protection. It also ensures transparency, safeguarding the public’s right to know. It requires bureaucrats to consult the public before finalizing major decisions.

SEPA protects taxpayers by requiring disclosure when taxpayer funds are used on projects with environmental impacts.

We need you to speak up for the state’s Environmental Policy Act!  Contact your state representative now!