January 2019
Special Program Saturday, Jan. 12th - HOI Members and Friends Please Attend!
Plus! Opportunity to Talk with Governor Elect Pritzker and Lt. Gov. Elect Julianna Stratton
The BlueGreen Alliance is hosting a special program on how to save money with energy efficiency, Saturday, January 12th, 10 a.m. at the Carver Community Center, 710 W. Percy Baker Jr Ave., Peoria. Representatives from Elevate Energy and other efficiency experts will be speaking during the 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. program time. Information for energy efficiency assistance for low income households will be included.
At 11 a.m. Governor Elect JB Pritzker and Lt. Governor elect Juliana Stratton will give comments and join with Labor Union representatives to update everyone on the New Year for Illinois. Heart of Illinois Group Sierra Club, Central Illinois Healthy Community Alliance, and other groups will be tabling.

Please bring a friend! This is an important opportunity to start your New Year better informed on energy efficiency and to meet our upcoming Governor and Lt. Governor, who have endorsed the Sierra Club Clean Energy initiatives.