Issues of Current Interest to the Raritan Valley Group

NESE Gas Pipeline Scrapped

Williams Transco’s permit application for the polluting Northeast Supply Enhancement expired on Friday, May 3, 2024.  The construction would have had detrimental environmental impacts on Somerset & Middlesex Counties as well as Raritan Bay.  NESE Mess is Finally Cleaned Up- Williams Transco Project is Dead  | Sierra Club

Eastern Environmental Law Center, on behalf of clients Central Jersey Safe Energy Coalition, Food & Water Watch, NY/NJ Baykeeper, and Princeton Manor Homeowners’ Association, strongly opposed the project due to concerns about increased fossil fuel consumption, climate crisis, air and water pollution, and safety risks to communities along the pipeline route.  Environmental Groups Celebrate Victory over Pipeline Project Cancellation

NESE’s greenhouse gas emissions, estimated at over 15 million metric tons of CO2 equivalent per year would have exacerbated the climate crisis.  Williams Transco Notifies FERC It Will Not Seek Further Extension of Federal Approval For NESE Fossil Gas Pipeline Project - The Eastern Environmental Law Center

The pipeline project failed because it was based on an outmoded energy strategy.  Williams throws in towel on NESE pipeline project | IEEFA

Clean Ocean Action, the Sierra Club, and Waterspirit joined forces in fighting unneeded fossil fuel expansion in New Jersey. Press conference by the Stop NESE Coalition (livestream) 


Fracked Gas Power Plant Halted

Keasbey, NJ  October 19, 2023, An application for a fracked gas power plant to supply electricity to NYC has been withdrawn.  The company says that the project is no longer feasible.

Victory Against Fossil Fuels: CPV Woodbridge Energy Center Expansion Withdrawn | Sierra Club

WE DID IT!!! Residents rally against another power plant in Woodbridge.

Company drops plan for gas power plant in polluted New Jersey area | AP News


NJ joins legal battle over interstate pipeline

In a challenge to FERC regarding its approval of the Regional Energy Access Expansion pipeline, a coalition of eight attorneys general that includes New Jersey, submitted a legal brief that argued the project is not needed. In January FERC had approved the project, which calls for building or expanding several compressor stations in New Jersey. Click here to learn more about it: NJ joins legal battle over interstate pipeline (8/11/23)


Citizens Rally Against NESE and Compressor Station 206

by Barry Kutch, Central Jersey Safer Energy Coalition and Sierra Club member

The rush to build gas pipelines in New Jersey continues. Williams/Transco, a pipeline transport company, wants to build an additional 32 miles of pipeline to tap into existing lines to transport natural gas from York County, PA to Rockaway, NY. This pipeline would travel through Somerset and Middlesex counties and then tunnel under the Raritan Bay where it would provide additional gas to New York City residents.

 Called the Northeast Supply Enhancement Project (NESE), the project will also include a new 32,000 horsepower Compressor Station 206 to be built in Franklin Township, NJ. The compressor station would include two natural gas-powered, turbine-driven compressors whose purpose is to maintain enormous pressures on the gas as it travels through the pipeline. These compressor stations have been shown to leak methane and other pollutants. A few have even exploded in gigantic fireballs.

 Residents in Franklin Township and the adjacent South Brunswick Township quickly came to the realization that this project would have a serious and long-lasting negative effect on their health, safety, well-being and the environment. Citizen action groups opposing NESE were formed. 

 Activities to inform and educate the public, recruit volunteers, engage with political leaders, express concerns to FERC and to formulate a strategy to stop this project commenced.  To date citizens have filed thousands of comments with FERC opposing NESE. More than 1,500 individuals have filed as Intervenors with FERC after Williams filed its application in March 2017. Intervenors are given legal standing with FERC in matters regarding NESE.

 The councils of Franklin Township, Montgomery Township, Princeton and South Brunswick Township have passed resolutions opposing NESE. Local, county, and state elected officials and members of Congress are now engaged in opposition. These political leaders are engaging on our behalf with FERC and the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP). The NJDEP has a role in the project approval process as it issues the Clean Air and Clean Water permits.

 Central Jersey Safe Energy Coalition (CJSEC), a citizen’s action group, was formed last year to oppose NESE. Starting with residents from three communities within South Brunswick Township, its members now represent numerous other communities in South Brunswick, Franklin Township and other adjacent towns. CJSEC has partnered with a number of environmental groups in the fight, including the Sierra Club, NY/NJ Baykeepers and Food and Water Watch. 

 Recent activities included a public awareness seminar held in South Brunswick Township in September. More than 200 people attended.  Jeff Tittel, director of the New Jersey Sierra Club, spoke and captured the audience. One of the calls to actions at this seminar was for people to register as Intervenors and comment with FERC. A flurry of registrations followed.

 The learning curve to develop and implement a strategy to oppose a pipeline project for average citizens is steep. Recognizing this, the Eastern Environmental Law Center (EELC) has been retained by a number of groups to represent them in the fight. This non-profit law firm, located in Newark, NJ, has a history of fighting pipelines and has been successful in its efforts to protect people and the environment.

 So the fight goes on. NESE is scheduled to be in operation in the winter of 2019/2020. Sounds like a long way off, but intense effort is being applied now to try and stop FERC’s approval for construction. As often happens, a small group of citizens has taken on the majority of work to protect thousands. Support is always appreciated. 

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