May 2 2017



Rex Burress


In considering a title for this article about discovering nature, I was drawn to Jack London's writing, “The Call of the Wild,” the perfect wording for going forth into the mysteries of the outdoors.

After the brashness of winter, people are ready for a release from storm-confinement and willing to go into spring's spacious skies and flower-decked fields. Some will indeed take to the open road to roam among the parks and precipices, and by May 1, many had already made their way to the 'super bloom' on the southern deserts. With summer appearing as more of a reality, America Calls, and mobile mankind is ready.

This River Watcher thought was propelled by a Bay Area lady who was also raised in my hometown of Trenton, Missouri. Writer Linda and her family plan on participating in the Oakland Feather River Camp Memorial Day camp-clean-up near Quincy, CA. I could tell that the Call of the Camp was upon them, although she hadn't been there before. So I plan on revealing my secret places and worthy treks in the wild spaces of the retreat since I had about 25 years there as camp naturalist and art teacher.

Although I'll miss the occasion, I savor the mere mention of those rushing rapids and pine-clad forests. The May Memorial Day weekend is a few weeks ahead of Feather River Art Camp that begins mid June, and some cool, damp might still be lingering, but the woods are always lovely with something going on, and clearing the camp ground proceeds rain or shine. Amazingly, the green pine needle/leaves endured the rigors of winter and you can expect their presence to add their aromas to the new season atmosphere. You can depend on it! It is the way of the coniferous forest.

A newly discovered expectation will hopefully emerge from a hidden dell beneath the pines again this year. I never found the Ladys-Slipper Orchid previously, nor did original camp naturalist Paul Covel, because the rare plants were sheltered by shrubs and shadows under a dense pine grove. Usually though, I was there later in the summer mostly past orchid blooming. Naturalist Joe Willis of Quincy found the orchid patch a few years ago, and I made a trip there to see and photograph the spectacular plant's beauty in May.

The journey up from Oroville to see Cypripedium was well worth it, and it reminded me of John Muir's story about finding the Calypso borealis orchid in a Canadian swamp in 1862. “Hush! So delicate and exquisite were they that the mere mention of their name might cause them to run away,” said John. You can also find Muir's quotation, “Going to the woods is going home,” on a Paul Covel Nature Trail plaque near the junction of Toll-Gate Creek and Spanish Creek.

Most splendidly, the Indian Rhubarb will be thrusting their stalks up from the streambed, preparing to open the giant umbrella leaves to decorate the summer creek channel. You can depend on it! It is very comforting to be assured of something dependable. Individuals may cease, but the species will long as there is a place for them to live.

The Mountain Maidu tribe that lived along the stream long ago, used the edible spring sprigs of Darmera peltata, Indian Rhubarb, until the large leaves became bitter. The American Dipper, or Water Ouzel as John Muir called his favorite bird, shares the stream with all the other aquatic life, and a particular flat boulder in the stream is its favorite resting place before plunging into the rapids. That place is where a towering two-trunked Ponerosa Pine grows, and was Paul Covel's favorite spot, thus “Paul's Pause Place!” One hopes a favorite tree will still be there as winter storms might take a few old-timers. But their prodigies rise to fill the voids. “Nature abhors a vacuum!”

Undoubtedly, 'as long as the waters shall flow,' the Cascade Falls, two-miles down stream, will offer a challenging walk, and one might be lucky and spot a Lewis' Woodpecker, or a bobcat, and even a bear! Those things are the greatest expectations of camp visitors, and they are there, along with water striders, crayfish, rattlesnakes, leopard lilies, and staghorn lichen! Watch!

Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you like sunshine into trees. The winds will blow their freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will fall away like autumn leaves.” --John Muir