Outings Info

Castle Peaks


Unless otherwise noted, outings are free and open to all. 

Sierra Club membership is encouraged but not required.

In order to participate in a Sierra Club outing, you will need to sign a liability waiver, usually included on the sign-in sheet. If you would like to read a copy of the waiver prior to the outing, please see the following:



Participants are asked to comply with the Sierra Club-Mother Lode Chapter Rules of Conduct, which can be found at Rules of Conduct. They are not unreasonable and you are not likely to find them restrictive. Animals are not permitted on events unless a specific announcement in the write-up includes them. Guide dogs are allowed, but call the leader first to make sure the event is suitable. Some events may be suitable for those under 18. Check with the leader first.


Sierra Nevada Group outings are rated according to the skills required for safe participation. The list below explains each rating.

Hike and walk ratings consist of a number-letter code where the number is the distance and the letter is the amount of uphill climbing.

Length (miles)

1: Up to 6
2: 6 - 10 
3: 10 - 15 
4: 15 - 20 
5: over 20

Elevation Gain (feet)

A: under 1,000 

B: 1,000 to 2,000 

C: 2,000 to 3,000 

D: 3,000 to 4,000 

E: Over 4,000

So a hike rated 2B means that the distance covered will be from 6 to 10 miles and the total elevation gain will be between 1000 and 2000 ft. A mini-hike is 4 miles or less and has an elevation gain of 500 ft or less



In the interests of facilitating the logistics of some outings, it is customary that participants make carpooling arrangements from the rideshare point to the trailhead. The Sierra Club does not have insurance for carpooling arrangements and assumes no liability for participants riding in private vehicles. Carpooling, ride sharing or anything similar is strictly a private arrangement among the participants. Participants assume the risks associated with this travel.


Usually we meet at the Rood Government Center parking lot,  Nevada City, unless stated otherwise.

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