As we are all drying out, and likely getting outdoors regularly for the first time in weeks, we hope that our members have stayed safe throughout the serious weather conditions that 2023 has presented us with. Many in our community have sustained damage from the water and winds and we hope that recovery will come soon for them.
What does the Sacramento Group of the Sierra Club do?
What can you do to help us reach our goals?
Group election results:
We welcomed a new member to our Executive Committee this month. Kate Wilkins, with experience as a leader for 350 Sacramento has joined us. Her experience with the Sacramento City Climate Action Plan brings new depth to the group’s abilities. We continue to work on the County Climate Action Plan (stalled at this time), as well as a number of development proposals within our region that threaten the ability for us to reach Carbon Zero as urgently as is needed, as well as projects that threaten the integrity of the American River Parkway, and Habitat Conservation Plans in the rural/undeveloped areas of the County. We are happy to have ExCom members Brad Branan, Kim Delfino, Bradin Heimbach, Perry Metzger, and Lisa Phenix continue with our work on projects throughout the region.
Though the Club is widely known for providing recreational opportunities and takes political action on a greater scale at the State level, our local group is responsible for addressing local environmental action, political support for local environmentally supportive candidates, and for providing both educational and interactive opportunities for our members. To achieve these goals our 7-member Executive Committee works hard by dividing up the tasks at hand. We would love to have more of our members become engaged in helping us to complete the missions we are able to take on. Members are welcome to attend our monthly Executive Committee meetings- via Zoom- to learn more. Or if you don’t have the time to attend you can send inquiries to us so we can answer your questions. We can be reached by email at
The group continues to be in need of a Secretary and a Digital Communication volunteer. Our Executive Committee meets monthly on the 2nd Wednesday at 6:30 pm until approximately 7:30 pm via Zoom and members willing to serve in these positions are needed to attend.
The Secretary will help by taking minutes at our monthly meetings, organizing our communications, and providing other support as noted in the digital communications volunteer request.
The Digital Communications Volunteer can help with our Sacramento Group emails, website, action alerts, online events, social media, and database management. We use Salesforce as our main database, which looks great on your resume. Don't worry, we'll train you!
The time commitment can be between one and two hours per week, and can be conducted remotely. Send us an email if you can help!