About Us

Mother Lode Chapter of the Sierra Club

Contact Information

1722 J Street, Ste 226
Sacramento, CA 95811
Phone:  (916)407-7877  


       Chapter Director 

Chapter Director
Dyane Osorio, Chapter Director
Phone:  (916)801-0483


Toxic Tobacco Waste in Environmental Justice Communities

HIRING: Tobacco Project Director  - Link to job posting: https://phf.tbe.taleo.net/phf01/ats/careers/v2/viewRequisition?org=SIERRACLUB&cws=42&rid=2209

TTW Team
Tobacco Control Policy Analyst
Email: Amanda.Simpson [@] sierraclub.org


Community Engagement Coordinator - Mother Lode & San Diego Chapters

Email: Ethan.Kissock [@] sierraclub.org


Community Engagement Coordinator - San Francisco Bay & Los Angeles Chapters

Email: Adelita.Serena [@] sierraclub.org
To change your address: membership.services@sierraclub.org
To change your email or phone number: Info@MLC.sierraclub.org
To contact the webmaster: Info@MLC.sierraclub.org


Who We Are: 

The Mother Lode Chapter, with more than 20,000 members, stretches from Stanislaus County and Tuolumne County in the south to the Oregon border in the north, and from the western side of the Central Valley to the California/Nevada border on the east.  Due to its large geography, the chapter is split into eleven local Sierra Club groups.

Activists Wanted - Free Memberships Available

The Mother Lode Chapter will subsidize your sign-up membership for community activists that would like to join the Sierra Club and start helping their region organize on environmental issues and enjoy our outings activities. If you are interested, please email us at Info@MLC.sierraclub.org

We look forward to reading why you would like to have one of our Free Memberships.


The chapter is governed by an elected twenty-member Executive Committee. Nine members are elected at-large among all chapter members, and eleven members who are members of the group's Executive Committee and are selected by the group as their representative to the chapter Executive Committee. The chapter's principal standing committee is the Conservation Committee, with an undesignated number of at-large members appointed by the chapter Executive Committee and eleven members selected by their respective groups. Sub-committees of the Conservation Committee include the Forestry Committee, Timber Project Legal Action Review Committee, Public Lands & PG&E Committee, Genetic Engineering Committee, Committee for Sustainability through Reproductive Health and Girls Education, and the Climate Change Committee. To contact these committees: Info@MLC.sierraclub.org

MLC Conservation and Executive Committees 2016

 Conservation Committee

2023 Chapter Officers

Chair ANDY SAWYER andysawyer[at] aol.com
NICK LAPIS nick.lapis [at] yahoo.com
CHELSEY KING 98chelseyking[ at] gmail.com
Compliance Officer
ANDY SAWYER andysawyer[at]aol.com
Council Delegate
NICK LAPIS                     nicklapis[at]cawrecycles.org
Council Alternate
 ANDY SAWYER andysawyer[at]aol.com
Conservation Committee Chair
SEAN WIRTH wirthsoscranes[at]yahoo.com


Elected Executive Committee Members 2021                   Term Expires        Term Limit




































2023 Group Representatives to Executive Committee & Alternates

Delta Sierra        RICHARD ABOOD                  rabood[at]pacific.edu         
                                Alt: MARGO PRAUS              margopraus[at]msn.com 
Madrone              BARBARA BRYDON             barbara.brydon[@]comcast.net    
                                Alt: VACANT
Placer                   HARRY WHITE                             
Sacramento       BARBARA LEARY                  barbaraleary[at]comcast.net
Shasta                  JOHN LIVINGSTON              livingstonjohn [at]att.net         
                                Alt: DAVID LEDGE              
Sierra Nevada   RICHARD THOMAS             randtthomas@sbcglobal.net       
                               BARBARA RIVENES            brivenes[at] sbcglobal.net
Tahoe                   LYNNE PAULSEN          
                               Alt: KARAN DURON             kkduron1[at]gmail.com 
Tuolumne          RICK DELVIN                           rick.delvin[at]gmail.com         
                               KEITH MARTIN                      keithwmartin[@]sbcglobal.net 

 Blue Oak            GRACE MARVIN                   g-marvin[at]comcast.net

                              WENDY  LEMASTER         lemasterwendy[@]live.com

Yokuts               ANITA YOUNG                     ayoungbooks2[at]gmail.com 
                              Alt: SANDY WILSON            sierragal2014[at]gmail.com
Yolano                ALAN PRYOR                         ozone21[at]att.net                 
                              Alt: VACANT   


Guidelines of Conduct for Mother Lode Chapter ExCom Meetings

Standing Rules

  1. Respect each person. Be courteous.
  2. Share responsibility.
  3. Criticize only ideas, not people.
  4. Keep an open mind.
  5. Avoid activities that interfere with concentration on meeting.
  6. Listen constructively.
  7. Be on time and stay until the end.
  8. Stay on topic.
  9. Read all materials provided in advance of the meeting.
  10. Try to vote on all matters that come up unless a conflict of interest exists or the member believes the Club should not take a position on the matter.
  11. Sierra Club members speaking publicly or to the media should avoid personal criticisms or statements damaging to the Sierra Club.
  12. Avoid delivering long and detailed memos to ExCom at the last minute.
  13. To the extent feasible, agendas will be set to give those non-ExCom members who wish to speak on only one item a chance to speak early in the meeting.
  14. When a resolution is being discussed, non-ExCom members will give their input before ExCom members begin debate. (This does not preclude non-ExCom members from speaking later if called upon.)
  15. Except for the main presenters, a speaker’s remarks should be limited to no more than two minutes when expressing his or her views.
  16. People may not speak for a second time on the same motion until other members who have not yet spoken get a chance to do so.
  17. When a motion is being discussed, state at the outset of your remarks whether you are speaking in favor of the motion, if you are speaking in opposition to the motion or if you are suggesting an amendment to the motion.
  18. A time monitor may be appointed at the beginning of each meeting.
  19. The above Guidelines apply not just to the Mother Lode Chapter Executive Committee itself. All participants in the Mother Lode Chapter should try to follow the above Guidelines of Conduct.

Funds Request Procedure

Requests for monetary contributions of $500 or more should be reviewed as carefully as if by a foundation. A work plan, budget and timetable should be provided in advance of the request.

Such requests should be included in the agenda, either as a separate item or, if a conservation resolution, in the conservation materials. If the need for money surfaces after the agenda is published, the person making the request must make sure that all the executive committee members are given as much notice as is possible.

1. Work Plan. Work plans must include at least the following:

  • The individual, group of individuals, or organization responsible for spending the money.
  • The individual responsible for reporting back to the Excom.
  • The goal towards which the money will be spent. If the goal is not quite clear yet, there should at least be a plan for working out the goal and reporting back to the Excom about what the final goal is.
  • The time period in which the money is expected to be spent.
  • If this is a campaign with separate stages, what those stages are.
  • Whether there is a likelihood that there will be additional requests for money later.
  • When the person responsible for reporting back will do so.

2. Budget. The budget is a description of what the money will go for. If this is a joint effort with other organizations or other Sierra Club entities, the budget should indicate that and, possibly, what their shares are. If the Mother Lode Chapter is contributing staff time, the budget should indicate that, but not necessarily as a dollar amount.

  • If this is a contribution to an outside organization or to a lawsuit, a detailed budget is not required.
  • If this is a loan, a budget may not be required. Instead, a plan for repayment should be provided instead.

3. Timetable. This may be included in the Work Plan and Budget, but the following information should be provided:

  • The time period in which the money is expected to be spent.
  • The stages of the project or campaign and what stage(s) this expenditure is to cover.
  • When the responsible person is expected to report back to the ExCom.