Building Codes Making Headway in St. Louis County

SierraScape October 2016 - February 2017
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by Caroline Pufalt
Conservation Committee Chair

The St. Louis Energy Coalition: an intrepid group of Sierra Club volunteers and local energy efficiency, builder and clean energy allies, have traced, tracked and talked up the importance of building codes and energy efficiency in St. Louis County. They have bird dogged the sometimes elusive County Building Codes Review Committee, attended some very early morning meetings, captured media attention, and educated elected officials. Here is their story.

Every six years St. Louis County adopts an updated energy conservation code for new residential and commercial buildings. Unfortunately, St. Louis County is more than a year behind schedule in considering and adopting new codes.

Buildings account for 40% of greenhouse gas emissions nationally. Energy efficient standards in building codes are the most cost efficient way to reduce carbon pollution from buildings.

Efficiency codes help homeowners in two ways: testing requirements help ensure that features they pay for are installed correctly and function as promised, and energy efficiency helps lower utility bills. These savings help reduce ongoing costs for the homeowner and the efficiency measures pay for themselves dozens of times over in the life of a home.

One might expect that improved codes would be welcomed. But some special interests push back due to fear of cost increases and changes to their business model.

The St. Louis Energy Coalition started following the steps St. Louis County must take to consider and adopt new codes. So far more than 500 Sierra Club members, allies and citizens have told St. Louis County they want modern building codes.

Have you made your voice heard? We need you to contact your County Council member, attend a meeting, make a phone call or write a letter. For more information call or email Gretchen Waddell Barwick at (314) 644-1011 or