Thank You Sierra Club Volunteers!

SierraScape October 2016 - February 2017
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This year we had great lemonade sales at both fundraising events in April at Earth Day and in Aug at the Festival of the Little Hills. Thanks to all those who showed up to slice, squeeze, mix and sell lemonade. A big thank you to Jim Young for his ongoing leadership. A special thanks to those who helped set up and take down the booth. And a shout out to John Feldman who did a special run for extra sugar when we ran low at Festival of the Little Hills. John got some extra backpacking in when he had to hike from his far away car to our booth with 40lbs of sugar.

EMG Sierrans volunteer in so many ways. We lobby the county for energy efficiency codes, we help track legislation and visit our legislators, we work to protect local parks and National Parks. We organize and lead outings to enable us to explore and enjoy the outdoors. We educate ourselves on environmental issues of the day. And much more.

And we traditionally celebrate our volunteers with a dinner and party at Jim Young's house in November. This year that event will be on Saturday Nov 12. Check our website for further details.