Why We Care About Voting Rights and More!

SierraScape October 2016 - February 2017
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In this turbulent election year it can be very frustrating to see how environmental priorities will make headway. Getting our message out or just being heard is challenging. At times it seems our representative democracy is not working.

That is one reason the Sierra Club believes that we can succeed only if our country has healthy democracy with a recognized fair system. In order to help achieve that we are dedicated to working with allies through an effort called the Democracy Initiative. That Democracy Initiative describes itself as a "dynamic network of organizations" dedicated to ensuring that "all Americans participate fairly and freely in the democratic process." Partners include labor unions, good government NGOs, civil rights groups and other environmental organizations. Check it out at: www.dieducationfund.org/.

Two of the Issues Important to the Democracy Initiative are:

  1. Protecting and promoting voting rights.
  2. Undoing the damage of the Supreme Court decision known as Citizens United.

Voting rights are key to any democracy. The Sierra Club supports prudent measures that remove barriers to voting. Such measures could include, flexible voting hours, accessible ID requirements and clear and timely voting information. See article entitled "NO On Amendment 6" for a current voting rights issue on the ballot. See article entitled "When Corporations Became People" for more on Citizens United.