General Meetings

SierraScape September 2015 - February 2016
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October General Meeting: Air Pollution and Health to be presented by Ken Schechtman

At the October general meeting (October 22), I will present a talk entitled "Air pollution and health: How large are the effects and what challenges face the science?" I have two goals in this talk. The first is what you would expect in a talk about air pollution and health. I will provide an overview of the health impacts of pollutants such as particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, and ozone. And because it is frequently argued that greenhouse gases and climate change will impact human health to a greater degree than any other environmental pollutant during the 21st century, I will also discuss the mechanisms through which carbon dioxide pollution is already estimated by the World Health Organization to be responsible for more than 150,000 global deaths annually.

My second goal is to discuss the science that generates the relevant data. We read regularly about how the best and the brightest report one day about the benefits of a particular medication, diet, or behavior, only to discover the next day or the next decade that the original reports were false. Why does this happen? And in particularly, in what ways do limitations in the methodology and interpretation of epidemiologic research impact what we do and do not know about air pollution and health?

I think you will find this presentation to be both interesting and enlightening. I hope you will attend.

Annual Members' Photo Show at General Meeting in November

Assemble five minutes of your best slides and narration to share at the general meeting. If you have a Power Point presentation, we can provide the projector but you must bring your own laptop computer. In past years, we've seen some great nature photography from the Arctic to a local backyard. Contact Caroline Pufalt at 314-721-7207 to get on the list of presenters. Limit eight presenters.

November 19 at New EMG Office: 2818 Sutton, St. Louis, 63143.

EMG Sierra Club End-of-Year Party

December 12, Saturday: Holiday party and potluck dinner. Bring your beverage and a dish to share. Call for time and directions. Ann Eggebrecht, (314) 725-1560.