Get MO Senators on Board as Conservation Funding Battle Moves to Senate

SierraScape September 2015 - February 2016
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by Caroline Pufalt
Conservation Chair
Eastern Missouri Group

What's in an acronym? A lot, when it's LWCF which stands for the Land and Water Conservation Fund. This landmark legislation, dating back to 1964, is designed to provide federal funds for land/water based conservation efforts, often in partnership with state and local governments. Federal funds come from royalties paid by offshore energy contracts. The LWCF is a critical component to ongoing conservation efforts, but the law expires in less than 100 days. LWCF usually attracts some bipartisan support. However, the current Congress is rarely in a bipartisan mood. And there is a real danger that the law could be reauthorized but not funded-thus ending as an empty promise designed to provide environmental cover for duplicitous lawmakers.

Fortunately, Senate Bill 890 would both reauthorize and permanently fund the LWFC. At this writing SB 890 has several Senate sponsors, but neither of Missouri's Senators are among them. Both Senators Claire McCaskill and Roy Blunt need to hear that Missourians value the Land and Water Conservation Fund and want the historic law to be reauthorized and fully funded. Ask them to co-sponsor SB 890.

Contact them at
or 202-224-6154 or

The Sierra Club is joining with other environmental and conservation organizations in urging members to speak up loudly in supporting the LWCF. Please step forward and make your voice heard. To learn more about the LWCF see: