Upcoming Events

SierraScape August - September 2007
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Follow the Single Stream: Resource Mgmt Facility Tour

August 14

Visit a material recovery facility (MRF) in Earth City. Watch what happens to the precious jumble of bottles, cans, and paper that you give to your hauler each week.

The program will last about 60 minutes. Suitable for 6th graders +. Limited walking and one flight of stairs. Space is limited. Ample parking available. Call Diane DuBois (314) 721-0594 to register.

Ozark Renewable Energy and Sustainable Living Expo

September 22-23, 2007

Les Bourgeois Winery
Outside of Columbia, MO

The Ozark Renewable Energy Expo is your opportunity to learn about and celebrate renewable energy and sustainable living. Will include speakers, exhibitors, music, food and more!

Visit ozarkre.org for more info.

Sixth Annual Introductory Car Camping and EMG Fall Celebration in Hawn State Park

Friday, Sept. 28 through Sunday, Sept. 30.

Great for beginner campers and families. Bring your own gear and food.

Call if you need advice or suggestions. You are also welcome to come for short, laid-back day hikes if you don't want to camp. Small camping fee to be determined.

Bring sense of humor and musical instruments for sing-along.

Call George Behrens at 314-821-0247 for more information.

Under the Ozarks: Managing Our Underground Resources

The St. Louis area will be host to a unique and important event this Fall with the National Cave & Karst Management Symposium. It is a biennial, international gathering of cave management personnel for both government and private lands. The event provides an important forum for promoting, advancing, and sharing concepts in effective management to help protect and conserve caves, cave ecosystems, water resources and karst lands.

This year's theme for the symposium is "Cave & Karst Conservation in the Ozarks" and will be held October 8-12, 2007 at the Holiday Inn SW & Viking Conference Center in St. Louis. It will focus on the challenges and solutions for managing caves and karst in the Ozarks region.

Visit www.utexas.edu/tmm/sponsored_sites/biospeleology/nckms.html for more info.