Plan Now to Attend 21st Annual Missouri Chapter Campout & Reunion

SierraScape August - September 2007
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information courtesy of Ginger Harris

Our annual fall campout will be held October 5-7, 2007 at beautiful Camp Colborn Group Camp in Mark Twain State Park. Located between Columbia and Hannibal, the park is almost surrounded by Mark Twain Lake. The Camp has rustic cabins and a large dining lodge. There will be plenty of outings, activities for the whole family (a great Sam Clemens museum), good food, a bonfire, and a chance to form new friendships and renew old ones.

The campout is put together by volunteers, and we could really use any help you could provide. If you would like to lead an outing, assist with childrens' activities, plan or supervise meals, contribute items (including bakery goods) to our silent auction, or just want to assist with odd jobs such as camp preparation or clean-up, we would really appreciate it.

Please contact the St. Louis Sierra Club office at (314) 644-0890 or with questions or to volunteer. We look forward to seeing you there!

To reserve your space, clip, complete and mail the reservation form below, along with a check payable to Missouri Chapter Sierra Club to:
Sierra Club Camp Out, 7164 Manchester Ave., St. Louis, MO 63143

Please send reservations by Sat., Sept. 15


21st Annual Missouri Chapter Campout & Reunion

Please list everyone you are paying for. If you need more space, please use a sheet of note paper. You do not need to provide their addresses and phone numbers; just their names.

Your Name: 
Evening phone:


AgeHow ManyFee PerTotal Names of Other Campers in your Party
child 0-3 yrs. Free$ 0
child 4-6 yrs. $8
child 7-12 yrs. $15
adult 13+ yrs. $30
adult partial weekend* $20
limited income $15
Saturday dinner only $10
Total fee Enclosed

Make checks payable to "Missouri Chapter Sierra Club"

Maximum fee for a family: $80.

Fees include cabin camping and five meals (Saturday breakfast through Sunday lunch)

Camping fees will be refunded for cancellations received prior to September 23.

We will mail you an information packet containing map in advance of the Campout date.

* partial weekend defined as less than three meals.