SierraScape October - November 2006
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Executive Committee (ExCom) members meet once per month to authorize club actions and assist activities of other Eastern Missouri Group (EMG) members.

There are seven voting members on the ExCom. Four persons will be elected, each to fill a two-year term. Voting instructions are given on the ballot (see page 3).

The following are statements by candidates for the ExCom, listed in alphabetical order.

     Del Johnson

Del Johnson

The membership of EMG Sierra includes a relatively small group of people who possess the zeal and competence needed to keep us in the forefront of environmental defense efforts. But these stalwart souls can't do it alone, and they can't do it forever. They need help from others of us, whose qualifications may be more modest, but who can nevertheless assist the ones who are on the cutting edge of EMG efforts and help save them from exhaustion.

I am completing my fourth year of service on the ExCom, and have acted as ExCom chair for the last three years. In this position I have tried to be an effective communicator, facilitator, and general greaser of wheels. With the help of volunteers, I also coordinate the mailing of the Sierrascape to our members.

In passing, I urge everyone involved in EMG activities seriously to consider running for the Excom, if not next year, then at some time in the next few years. You will find such service to be a rewarding and valuable experience, not beyond the abilities of any of us with an interest in environmental preservation.

     Norma Deen Juracsik

Norma Deen Juracsik

Like probably most of our membership, I've been a member of various environmental organizations because of my concern about the treatment of the earth. Now, I feel it's my time, since I'm retired, to take an active role in our country's main grassroots conservation organization. As a member of the ExCom, I will become better educated and more involved as we continue to take on our part of the Sierra Club national and state issues of a warming world, greening the streets of our cities, educating children about the environment, stopping dirty power air pollution of the coal rush, and other pressing issues. My own local priority is for the Saint Louis area to have safe air and water. My involvement has been helping put up/take down the lemonade brigade at Fair Saint Louis, kitchen manager of our 2005 Annual Reunion Campout at Mark Twain Lake State Park, cook crew for the National Outings Leader Training Workshop at Cuivre River State Park, two trail maintenance/ building weekends, Sierrascape mailing events, and regularly attending general meetings. I've led a "singles" hiking trip in the Grand Canyon. I lead walking tours for Forest Park Forever of its savannas and new river system.

     Jim Nyberg

Jim Nyberg

The Sierra Club is an effective advocate for protecting wild places, preventing further environmental damage, and restoring what is salvable. Supporting these continuing efforts is our responsibility to future generations.

My active membership in the Eastern Missouri Group since 1980 includes petition campaigns, political lobbying, several committees, lemonade sales and countless outings. As a member of the EMG Executive Committee, I was representative to the Ozark Chapter ExCom (1994) and chair (1995); and am currently treasurer (1999-2006). I've undertaken extra projects including the new bylaws, public events, office equipment and office relocation. As treasurer, I've introduced comprehensive financial reporting and cost control.

I am a candidate to continue working for the Sierra Club and our natural earth.

     Caroline Pufalt

Caroline Pufalt

What makes the Sierra Club singular and strong is its local groups and chapters. Having citizens involved in environmental work is essential to not just local issues but lays the groundwork for national ones.

I've been active in the Sierra Club for many years. I'm on the group conservation committee and am working on Missouri national forest issues. In the past I have been on the Chapter excom and those with a long memory may recall that I once edited our Chapter newsletter.

I know serving on the group excom is an important part of all we do. I am willing to try to do my best for EMG in that role. The role of the excom is to support the group in its conservation work and outings program while keeping us solvent so we can carry on for years to come.