Walk on the Wild Side

SierraScape June - July 2006
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by Leslie Lihou

Prepare yourself for an adventure in urban wild beauty during the Grow Wild Garden Tour on Sunday, June 25 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. You may wander any of eight Missouri native plant gardens in west St. Louis County territories. Outfit yourself with hat and walking shoes and provision yourself with sunscreen and water to explore natural landscapes at business, home, roadside, and urban conservation areas. Your ticket to adventure consists of a booklet with descriptions of each garden and maps so you can choose your own route to the garden sites.

Why would you want to venture into native plant gardening? Because indigenous flora have adapted to Missouri growing conditions, the plants are inexpensive, hardy, require minimal resources and care, benefit wildlife, and act as bastions against invasive exotic species. Cultivating native plants may provide effective, low impact stormwater and erosion control. Immerse yourself in mini-ecosystems of Missouri: prairie, woodland, glade and wetland. During the expedition gardeners may offer techniques for cultivating native landscapes and suggest nursery sources for indigenous plants. The expedition will also offer you the opportunity to share strategies for quelling the rebellion of skeptics who embrace cropped lawns. Going native is not exotic; it is American!

You may purchase a pass book at the Green Center for the advance price of $10 per person or for $15 on the tour day. Or consult the Grow Wild Garden Tour website for information and an order form: www.shawnature.org/events/GrowWild.aspx

Grow Wild Garden Tour
The Green Center
8025 Blackberry Ave.
University City, MO 63130