SierraScape Now Available for Paperless Delivery

SierraScape June - July 2006
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by Penny Holtzmann

Eastern Missouri Group members now have a choice of receiving all the news, commentary, and outings listings without the environmental costs of using paper. To save trees, fuel, and printing and postage costs, you can opt to receive five of the six issues of the SierraScape online.

The October-November issue will be mailed, since it will contain the official ballot for the EMG Executive Committee election.

After signing up for this program, each time an issue is published you will receive an email with a hyperlink to the SierraScape on our web site. The online version sometimes has articles that didn't appear in the paper version due to space limitations; while it may omit articles, such as candidate endorsements, and advertising, due to legal reasons.

The outings will be listed in a separate location on the web site.

To sign up, send an email to Include your full name as it appears on the mailing label of this newsletter and the email address to which you want the SierraScape link sent. Your email address will be kept confidential.