Miscellaneous Announcements

SierraScape October - November 2004
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Director of MDC Keynote Speaker for Conservation Forum 2004

information provided by Jim Nyberg

Each year the International Center for Tropical Ecology (ICTE) organizes and co-sponsors the Conservation Forum. This year's forum will be held from 6:00-9:30 PM on Wednesday, October 27, 2004 at The Living World, Saint Louis Zoo. The forum this year will focus on conservation in Missouri and and the keynote speaker will be John D. Hoskins, Director, Missouri Department of Conservation. Talks will also be given by Doug Ladd, Director of Conservation Science, The Nature Conservancy and Robert Marquis, Professor of Biology, University of Missouri- St. Louis Admission is free. Participants will be able to purchase a light supper. For further information, please contact Patrick Osborne (314) 516-5219 (e-mail: osbornepl@msx.umsl.edu).

Carl Pope to Visit St. Louis in October

As we were going to press, we learned that Carl Pope, National Executive Director of Sierra Club, will speak and autograph copies of his new book, Strategic Ignorance, in St. Louis in late October.

The exact date and location for this important event are yet to be determined. We will post the information on our web site at www.missouri.sierraclub.org/emg as soon as it becomes available.

We have received word from Carl Pope that he will not be able to visit St. Louis as planned due to scheduling conflicts.

Ozark Chapter Campout & Reunion Oct 1-3

by Greg Leonard

Our annual fall camp out will be held October 1-3, 2004 at beautiful Camp Pin Oak in Lake of the Ozarks State Park. If you have not been to one of these, they are really a treat. Camp Pin Oak has rustic cabins and a large dining lodge. There will be plenty of outings, activities for the whole family, good food, a bonfire, and a chance to make new friends and renew old ones. Look for the coupon that will appear in the next issue of the Ozark Sierran, send it in with your payment, and look forward to a good time.