Successful Mardi Gras Launches Fundraising Season

SierraScape April - May 2004
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The 2004 Sierra Club Lemonade Brigade fundraising season is off to a great start. Mardi Gras was a hoot! Saturday's Grand Parade brought a huge ready-to-party crowd to Soulard, and bead-bedecked Sierrans were ready and waiting with classic margaritas, our incomparable "Category 5 Hurricanes" and fine Schlafly beer. The top quality offerings resulted in total sales nearly equal to our previous warmer weather Mardi Gras high. But it was all of our enthusiastic, fun loving, hard working volunteers that really made it happen. This type of fundraising is labor intensive to say the least. Thanks to all who helped from Friday evening preparations and 6 am Saturday set-up through the hours of sales till the final after midnight end of take-down.