Volunteer Opportunities

SierraScape February - March 2004
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It's Mardi Gras Time!

Volunteers are needed to help prepare our booth in Soulard on Friday, February 20 from 5 pm to 9 pm. On Saturday, Friday 21 join us for a few hours of volunteer work to support the club at one of our most successful fund raisers and have fun doing it. We will be serving Margaritas and Hurricanes on Russell at 9th Street. The booth will be open from 10 am to 8 pm with the most help needed from 2 pm to 8 pm. Volunteers must be 21 or older. Call the office, (314) 644-0890, or Jim Young, (314) 664-9392.

Newsletter Mailing Party
Friday, March 26.

Sneak a peek at the April/May issue of SierraScape. We'll meet to prepare the newsletter for mailing. We'll order pizza and beverages and have a great time. 6 p.m. at the Sierra Club office, 7164 Manchester Ave. just west of McCausland. Please call Del Johnson at (314) 968-1246.

The Mighty Pen

Explaining environmental issues, voicing concern or approval via letters is a powerful and direct means of influencing decision-makers and connecting with a wider public audience. Write letters that get the point across clearly and effectively to help the Sierra Club's grassroots campaign efforts. Information on 3-5 current environmental topics will be provided. Advance notice not necessary, call (314) 645-2032 for info.

Mighty Pen Party Brunch!

Sunday, February 15, 11am
St. Louis Bread Co. in the U. City Loop
6630 Delmar

Mighty Pen Party Brunch!

Another fun round of letter-writing to tell editors and officials what's on your mind.
Sunday, March 14, 11am
St. Louis Bread Co. in the U. City Loop
6630 Delmar