Volunteer Opportunities

SierraScape October - November 2003
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Global Warming & Energy Program

Fall Semester Internships

The Sierra Club's Global Warming & Energy Program is seeking Fall Semester interns for three projects. To apply, please contact organizer Jill Miller at (314) 645-2032 or jill.miller@sierraclub.org.

Community Research and Evaluation: This project will study and compare area government fleets and evaluate what can be done to reduce fuel consumption and automobile emissions . The internship will promote skills in strategic thinking, campaign development and decision-making.

Native Planting on Vacant Lot in Maplewood

The City of Maplewood has approved our proposal to plant and maintain native wildflowers on a vacant lot at 7170 Manchester, just three doors west of our Sierra Club office. At this time the lot has nothing but mowed grass and weeds. The City Council seems to be glad that we are taking an interest in this and are very willing to work with us on it. The City will be installing a concrete walkway from the street to a parking lot behind the buildings. They expect to have this completed by the end of September.

Interested volunteers will have a meeting at the EMG office on Tuesday evening, October 14, to discuss what we want to do on the vacant lot. You are welcome to join this effort to bring a patch of nature to a neighborhood of brick and concrete.

Contact: Penny Holtzmann, sierra@brick.net, or call 314-644-0890.