Think Streams and Rivers!

SierraScape June - July 2003
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by Diane Albright

There is an activity that Sierrans and their friends should try in our region when it comes to exploring and enjoying the outdoors. The activity is canoeing. We are truly blessed with scenic waterways. Canoeing permits us to experience these watery landscape features more fully.

Canoeing is an outing that is particularly suited to the upcoming hot and humid days when hiking and backpacking can become uncomfortable activities. However, it is not necessarily limited to any one season as is evident in the SierraScape Outings section throughout the year.

For folks who feel uncertain about their canoeing abilities or just want to fine tune them, the Group Outing Leaders offer a June 22 Canoe Clinic (for more information, see the"Outings" section in this newsletter). The Clinic is staffed by experienced whitewater paddlers. Proper techniques and water safety are taught. This is a great opportunity to become more confident as a paddler, which makes for enjoyable canoe outings.

Again this year, the Clinic will be followed by two canoe trips that expand on "how to". The first trip will cover and demonstrate equipment and techniques for day trips and overnight river camping. It will be followed by a weekend trip, which will provide participants with an opportunity to put their knowledge to the test. Look for these two outings in late summer/fall to be lead by June Stevens and Jim Moody.

This spring/summer, an assortment of canoe trips will be offered. Leaders, rivers, skill level and trip activities will vary. There are canoe trips available for every person's preference. Take advantage of these unique and varied water adventures. Don't let the year flow by without exploring a Missouri waterway. Our region has some real beauties. Happy paddling!