Candidate Statements

SierraScape October - November 2002
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Executive Committee (ExCom) members meet once per month to authorize club actions and assist activities of other Eastern Missouri Group (EMG) members.

There are seven voting members on the ExCom. Four persons will be elected, each to fill a two year term. Voting instructions are given on the ballot, page 11.

Following are statements by candidates for the ExCom, listed in alphabetical order.


Cheryl Hammond
Cheryl Hammond

As a current ExCom member, I have worked for a strong club with good communications at all levels. We continue to have a strong newsletter, and we now have much improved electronic communication with two listservs - electronic discussion forums - and an informative EMG web site. I hope to see more outreach to youth, finding ways to get students involved in trail building, stream monitoring, and other EMG activities. We need to continue to focus on smart growth in the St. Louis area, stemming the loss of open space, stopping commercial developments in floodplains, improving our air through better transportation alternatives. We need to continue concern to stop the construction of the Holcim plant in Ste. Genevieve which will destroy irreplaceable natural areas and degrade the air we breathe.

We need to speak up for the big rivers which define our community. Expanded locks mean more degradation of our already misused Mississippi river. We must work for the return of the Missouri to a more natural flow and find ways to protect our bird populations there. We must continue to reach out to support the Mark Twain National Forest and speak our against lead exploration, ATV use, and other injuries to the forest.

We need to continue to have a strong EMG with a good outings program and active volunteers.


Judith Holstein
Judith Holstein

My name is Judith Holstein and I have been a member of the Sierra Club since 1995. I have served on the Walk-a-thon Committee, Newsletter Mailing Committee and the Political Action Committee. Protecting the environment has been very important to me and I have been active in lobbying for the clean-up of Doe Run and to prevent drilling in the Alaska Wildlife Refuge. Besides my activities in the Sierra Club I am an advocate for the National Park System and have written many letters on various park issues.


Delwin Johnson
Delwin Johnson

The membership of EMG Sierra Club includes a relatively small group of men and women who possess the zeal and competence needed to keep us in the forefront of environmental defense efforts. But these stalwart souls can't do it all alone, and they can't do it forever. They need help from others of us, who, while we concede our qualifications may be more modest, can nevertheless assist the faithful ones who are on the cutting edge of EMG efforts and help save them from exhaustion.

I have been active in EMG since 1999, following my retirement from a teaching career of 35 years at the Forest Park campus of St. Louis Community College. I continue to teach there part-time. With the help of volunteers, I coordinate the mailing of the SierraScape to our members. I assist with money raising and political efforts. As a participant in Missouri's volunteer water monitoring program, I keep track of seven sites in eastern Missouri, and also advise MOPIRG students at Meramec campus in their Stream Team activities. I also assist the Stygian Grotto with cave cleanups. Not wishing to be ignorant on environmental matters all my life, in the last three years I have earned twenty-five credit hours in biology and conservation at the Meramec campus.

If I am elected to the ExCom, I will assist EMG's efforts faithfully and to the best of my ability.


Valgard Jonsson
Valgard Jonsson

I am soliciting support from all members of the EMG for my election to the ExCom. I promise to work hard and to the best of my ability, on your behalf, on all environmental issues of importance to the Sierra Club locally and nationally. I have been an environmentalist all my life. I have been a member of the Sierra Club for the past 15 years. My main interests and concerns are in the following areas:

  • To improve and work for better public transportation including provision for bicycle lanes or paths for commuters throughout the Metropolitan area.
  • Reduction of urban sprawl through better utilization of all of our resources and better design for livable cities.
  • Stop road building and reduce or eliminate clear cuts in our National forests (along the lines suggested by former President Clinton in his January 5, 2001 declaration of protection of 58 million acres of forests/wild lands in 39 states; with 25,000 in Missouri).
  • Support sustainable forestry practices and oppose the use of clear-cuts in all of our forests.


Jim Nyberg
Jim Nyberg

The Sierra Club is an effective advocate for protecting wild places, preventing further environmental damage, and restoring what is salvageable. Supporting these continuing efforts is our responsibility to future generations.

My active membership in the Eastern Missouri Group since 1980 includes petition campaigns, political lobbying, several committees, glade restoration, lemonade sales and countless outings. As a member of the EMG Executive Committee, I was representative to the Ozark Chapter ExCom (1994) and chair (1995); and am currently treasurer (1999-2002). I've undertaken extra projects including the new bylaws, office equipment and office relocation. As treasurer, I've introduced comprehensive financial reporting and cost control.

I am a candidate to continue working for the EMG and our natural earth.


June Stevens
June Stevens

Being on EMG's ExCom the last two years has made me realize the importance of all our volunteers in various groups.

If it were not for the hard work of the lemonade committee we would not have the money for a working office. Please volunteer to help this group.

Every committee has outstanding leaders and members. Every one of the groups is focused on keeping the environment one that we can live in and enjoy. I have worked with and for many great individuals. If not elected I will still be helping because I better understand the EMG and the necessity of all committees.


Your Executive Committee plays an important role in keeping the Eastern Missouri Group Sierra Club Chapter vital. Mark your ballots and send them in. Make your voice heard!