New EMG Committee - Outreach to Schools and Youth

SierraScape October - November 2002
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By Cheryl Hammond

The EMG is starting a new committee to help organize the club's outreach to schools and other youth organizations. The EMG has many opportunities for youth participation, especially at the high school and middle school levels. Trail building, glade restoration, stream team monitoring, highway cleanup, Litzsinger School prairie garden, lemonade sales, global warming education events, office help and other activities welcome school age participants.

The new committee will organize the process of matching youth participants to the activities. Here are some of the things the committee will do:

  • Contact high schools and middle schools to arrange community service credits for students to engage in Sierra Club activities - get SC activities on their community service activities lists.
  • Maintain a list of suitable activities and requirements for adult supervision.
  • Be a referral point for messages and phone calls received by the SC office from students who want community service or to get involved.
  • Find other ways to get youth involved in SC activities - Boy Scouts, etc.

The committee members will not be responsible for attending the events.

Community service credits have been introduced in St. Louis area schools in the last 10 years. Students can volunteer at the Butterfly House, nursing homes, Safety Town, and many, many other community service activities. The student usually needs a certain number of credits to qualify for graduation. Getting students involved in Sierra Club activities opens the door to getting young people into the club.

Please call Cheryl Hammond at (314) 291-5907 or email at if you would like to be part of this new committee. Thanks.