The Corps Needs YOU!

SierraScape October - November 2002
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By Mike Bollinger, Conservation Committee

The Corps of Correspondents that is. Sure, you've heard that the Marine Corps is looking for a few good men. The Peace Corps is always in need of help. And of course there's the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - but don't even get me started on them! What we're looking for are volunteers for a new and different Corps.

McNeer Dillon, the EMG Political Committee Chair, coined the name the "Corps of Correspondents" for a list of volunteers committed to help meet a critical role - those willing to sit down and write letters to make our voice heard. We know that you're frequently asked to volunteer for this and that, serve on committees, attend meetings and show up at events. But there's only so much each of us can do. Sometimes conflicting priorities prevent many members from taking a really active role in Club events. That's why the Corps of Correspondents is a great opportunity.

If you're willing to sign up, we'll send you requests from time to time to write a letter on a key issue, mostly with a local focus. We'll send a brief description of the issue, the main points the Club is trying to make, and typically, we'll even include a draft letter. All we ask is that you write a letter of your own, maybe just by briefly editing the draft, and send it in to the addressees (which we also provide).

While it may seem like a simple request, it fills a very important need and the potential benefits are huge. Even when a committee chair sends a letter "on behalf of the 5000+ members of the EMG", it may not carry as much clout as fifty, seventy-five or maybe even one hundred individual pieces of mail - all written from the same perspective.

We have a small list now that we're trying to expand. The EMG Conservation Committee has already utilized the "Corps" to turn out letters on several issues: medical waste incineration, Yucca Mountain and the Mark Twain National Forest Plan, to name a few. Other committees hope to use the Corps as well. There are three ways to join:  1) send an email to the Conservation Committee at or 2) send a brief note to the Club office, labelled "Attention Corps of Correspondents" (see the address on the EMG home page) or 3) call the office at 314-644-0890. Note that email addresses are the most efficient, in that we can contact you quickly, at almost no cost.

Letter writing is an important aspect of the Club's advocacy. The Corps of Correspondents helps fill this need, and allows volunteers to help, when they can, on issues they care about, from the comfort of their home. We sure could use your help. Won't you consider signing up today?