Volunteer Opportunities and Thanks

SierraScape April - May 2002
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Many thanks to everyone who has helped with Eastern Missouri Group events so far this year! Whether you've helped squeeze lemons at Earth Day (or serve sassier drinks at Mardi Gras), staffed an information booth, attended a rally, written letters and made phone calls to legislators and media, worked those muscles for trail maintentance or glade restoration, led an outing, or helped plan a future event, be assured it has made a difference. You are what makes the EMG such a strong, effective group!

Here are some upcoming events. See Outings for additional needs.

Newsletter Mailing Party on Friday, May 31

Sneak a peek at the June/July issue of SierraScape. We'll meet to prepare the newsletter for mailing, and it sure goes faster with lots of helping hands! We'll order pizza and beverages and have a great time. 6 p.m. at the Sierra Club office, 7164 Manchester Avenue, one block west of McCausland. Call Del Johnson at (314) 968-1246. Because of Memorial Day weekend, the mailing is being held on the 5th Friday of the month instead of the usual 4th Friday.

"Grab the Bag"

If you are tabling at an event, grab the green duffel bag full of merchandise at the Sierra Club office. Prices for each article is in the bag. For more information, call Gloria Broderick at (314) 741-4588.

Office Volunteers

We'd like more folks to assist with tasks in the Sierra Club office and to staff our table at local events. Even a few hours a week would be a big help. For more information, please call the office at (314) 644-0890.


Contribute articles, photographs and ideas to the next newsletter. The deadline for the June/July issue is May 3, 2002. Contact editor Jill Miller at (314) 664-7895 or jyllian7@hotmail.com.