Environmental Gift Giving Ideas for 2024

Compiled by Anne Woiwode

There are many ways to give memorable and thoughtful gifts this season that are consistent with supporting a healthy, sustainable future. Here are a few ideas found at farmers' markets, local crafts fairs, in your community, online or in your closet. 

Free to $15: Take a friend on a Michigan Sierra Club Group outing or event and provide the snacks and transportation. Check listings on the Michigan Chapter calendar (scroll down on the landing page) https://www.sierraclub.org/michigan and on the listing under Southeast Michigan, Crossroads and Huron Valley Groups here. https://www.sierraclub.org/michigan/michigan-groups

Turn a worn-out pair of pants into slippers https://www.wikihow.com/Turn-Your-Jeans-Into-Earth-Friendly-Slippers or a wool sweater into a bag. https://www.liveabout.com/how-to-make-a-sweater-bag-1388073

If you have a lot of old jeans, consider making a handbag. Options include a plain bag https://zerowastechef.com/2024/02/27/turn-old-jeans-into-awesome-denim-bag/  or one woven from strips of old jeans. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XozQeGKI2w  

Give a treasured book or find another copy at a local used bookstore, and include a thoughtful inscription or bookplate explaining why it is so important to you.
Visit local secondhand children's stores to find games, toys or costumes.
Give homemade jams or jellies, baked goods or homemade dehydrated fruits and vegetables. Include recipes so the recipient can make these themselves.

$15 to $50: Give a gift membership to the Sierra Club to support protection of the Great Lakes and Michigan's communities. https://act.sierraclub.org/donate/rc_connect__campaign_designform?id=7013q000002GHBrAAO&formcampaignid=701310000008mUKAAY&_gl=1*1bn0f6s*_gcl_aw*R0NMLjE3MzM5NDUxOTcuQ2p3S0NBaUFqZVc2QmhCQUVpd0FkS2x0TWtXLWR1c0dIcEpjNTVXS2RHaUVhMmg0VkQ5UTg0UjRRRHhYVUlTZ2o4ZmZzbThrRzRGZDZ4b0MxNzRRQXZEX0J3RQ..*_gcl_dc*R0NMLjE3MzM5NDUxOTcuQ2p3S0NBaUFqZVc2QmhCQUVpd0FkS2x0TWtXLWR1c0dIcEpjNTVXS2RHaUVhMmg0VkQ5UTg0UjRRRHhYVUlTZ2o4ZmZzbThrRzRGZDZ4b0MxNzRRQXZEX0J3RQ..*_gcl_au*OTA3MDQ4NTIuMTczMjQ2NjE1OS45NDY1NzcyLjE3MzM4NTUzMDEuMTczMzg1NTMwMg..*_ga*OTQ5OTg4MDUuMTczMjQ2NjE2MA..*_ga_41DQ5KQCWV*MTczMzk0NTAwMy4zMy4xLjE3MzM5NDUyNTguNjAuMC4w 

Support Michigan’s pollinators by giving a jar of locally produced honey. https://www.localhoneyfinder.org/MI.php

Find a sugarbush nearby to purchase Michigan maple syrup. https://www.michiganmaple.org
Build a simple bird feeder from materials on hand https://www.audubon.org/news/four-do-it-yourself-birdfeeders and give a bag of bird seed to get them started.

Give a Michigan State Recreation Pass for 2025 for free access to state parks and recreation areas. https://www.michigan.gov/dnr/0,4570,7-350-79134_79210---,00.html

$50 to $100: Give a membership to a local botanical garden, zoo or science museum. Examples include Impression 5 in Lansing https://impression5.org, Greenfield Village and the Henry Ford in Dearborn https://www.thehenryford.org/visit/greenfield-village/, Frederik Meijer Gardens and Sculpture Park in Grand Rapids https://www.meijergardens.org/membership/ and Dow Gardens in Midland https://dowgardens.org. Or look for museums in your area here https://www.michigan.org/museums and check for local listings of botanical gardens, nature preserves and zoos to visit and support. 

Variable prices: Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) subscriptions will provide a family fresh, locally produced foods. https://www.localharvest.org/csa/

National Sierra Club outings and service outings provide amazing experiences across the country and internationally: https://content.sierraclub.org/outings/

Get a friend or relative started on restoring native ecosystems and pollinator gardens in their backyards by providing Michigan native plant seeds https://www.michiganwildflowerfarm.com/seed-species-and-pricing/mwf-goodies/ or nursery gift certificates. https://www.wildtypeplants.com/retail Include a list of resources for gardening with native plants, like this website at MSU https://www.canr.msu.edu/resources/going_native_can_be_a_smart_choice_for_michigan_landscapes, and gardening tools for beginners. 

Find locally produced artwork and crafts made from recycled or local materials like wood at art galleries and craft sales and shows. You’ll support a local artist and help reduce waste. Many local stores and organizations statewide sell pre-owned camping equipment and bicycles, putting “reuse” into action and delighting the recipient of your gift. 
Be creative in thinking about gifts this year, and get into the habit of looking for environmentally sound and sustainable options all year round. 

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