Volunteer Spotlight: Felicia Eshragh

Welcome to the Volunteer Spotlight!  

Volunteers are the foundation of our organization, and the Michigan Chapter enjoys shining a light on the people who make our wins possible. In this edition we spotlight Felicia Eshragh. 

How did you become involved in volunteering with Sierra Club Michigan?

Like so many, we can thank Abby Clark for bringing me into the fold. Many years ago, she asked for donations to the Sierra Club as her birthday present. I talked with her a lot about her service to the Michigan Chapter and eventually decided to run for the Executive Committee to try to do my bit to help.

How long have you been a volunteer with Sierra Club Michigan?

I have been on the Executive Committee for two years.

What volunteer roles do you currently fill, and what roles have you filled in the past?
I am currently an at-large member of the Executive Committee as well as the Michigan Chapter treasurer.

What's your favorite thing about volunteering with the Sierra Club?
The people are top notch. I am continually inspired by such a dedicated group of advocates. I also not so secretly love spreadsheets <3.

What do you do for fun when you aren't volunteering?

I have become a bit of a gym rat and really enjoy throwing around heavy weights. I also try to spend as much time as possible reading, hiking with my dog, and having my blood pressure destroyed by Spartan sports.