Sierra Club Michigan Chapter Spring 2024 Lobby Day

Each spring, the Michigan Sierra Club organizes a lobby day for our activists to descend upon the State Capitol and rally legislators around Sierra Club’s priority legislation. On Wednesday, May 15join Sierra Club volunteers and members to promote critical environmental issues to your legislators.

This event brings together like-minded Sierra Club members from across the state to educate lawmakers about critical environmental issues that YOU care about. We achieved major wins in 2023, including passing some of the country's most ambitious and comprehensive clean energy legislation. However, more work is still needed to protect our communities and hold polluters accountable. 

We have an opportunity to pass legislation that ensures everyone has access to clean and affordable water, regardless of where they live or how much money they make. We should also hold major polluters accountable for cleaning up the toxic messes they make instead of leaving communities and taxpayers to foot the bill. We cannot take anything for granted, and it is imperative that lawmakers know Michiganders want them to take further action.

No prior lobbying experience is necessary, but preregistration is required. We will train you for your lobby meetings and provide materials. We can't wait to spend this lobby day with you! 

Register Here

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