Mixed Bag Budget Priorities: Closed Nuclear Plant Prioritized over Public Transit

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This week, Governor Gretchen Whitmer presented her proposals for the 2025 State Budget. While some elements of the budget are worthy of our support, such as increasing the tipping fee to raise $80 million for contaminated site cleanup, investing $25 million in EV charging infrastructure, allocating $20 million for transitioning Michigan's fleet, dedicating $7 million to clean energy legislation implementation, and earmarking $17.2 million to enhance access to state parks by making the recreation passport an opt-out process and providing free access for Michigan veterans, there are significant areas where it falls short.

These include neglecting public transit, overlooking energy-efficient upgrades for homes, failing to address drinking water and water protection concerns, and allocating a misguided $150 million to the failed Palisades nuclear plant.

Young people and residents across Michigan want robust public transit, safe and clean water, vibrant, walkable cities, and ample green space - not floundering bus systems and taxpayer-funded bailouts for shuttered and unnecessary 20th-century nuclear plants.

Our state budget is more than a financial blueprint; it reflects our communal priorities and values. It dictates funding for critical services like education, healthcare, social welfare, infrastructure, and beyond.

As our State representatives and senators work to finalize the budget for the upcoming fiscal year, they must hear from us. Every individual's input is essential in shaping our state's future. Take action today and demand a strong and equitable state budget that serves the needs of all residents.

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