Mixed Bag Budget Priorities: Closed Nuclear Plant Prioritized over Public Transit 

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, February 7, 2024
CONTACT: Sarah Tresedder, sarah.tresedder@sierraclub.org, 906-869-4167
                        Tim Minotas, tim.minotas@sierraclub.org,

Mixed Bag Budget Priorities: Closed Nuclear Plant Prioritized over Public Transit 

Lansing, MI - Today, Governor Gretchen Whitmer announced her top-line budget requests.. Sierra Club supports Governor Whitmer’s call for vehicle electrification, investments to implement new clean energy laws, supporting access to the outdoors for veterans, landfill pollution control, and continued investment to replace all lead service lines in the state. 

However, to properly act on the Governor’s Growing Michigan Together Taskforce it’s imperative for the state to prioritize ongoing funding to invigorate Michigan’s public transit, instead of sinking hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars for the failed Palisades nuclear power plant. 

In response to the budget release, Deputy Legislative and Political Director Tim Minotas released the following statement:

“Today’s budget announcement is a mixed bag. Some of the Governor’s priorities are positive, including critical funding for the proper rollout of our clean energy transition and vehicle electrification. Furthermore, the Governor is right that we must act to control landfill pollution, and ensure access to our wonderful State Parks for Veterans.  

However, we are disappointed to see the lack of continued funding for public transit. We’ve heard loud and clear that companies and young people have passed on moving to Michigan because we do not have functional public transit. Investing in public transit and expanding mobility options means investing equitably in the success of all Michiganders. We look forward to working with the legislature and the Governor’s office to ensure we are growing Michigan together.”  

The Sierra Club and its partners have outlined their priority budget requests which you can find here.

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