Line 5 Updates at the End of 2023

photo of environmental advocates with banner "Protect the Great Lakes Shut Down Line 5" in front of DC Capitol

Sierra Club staff from Michigan, Illinois, and Wisconsin joined with other environmental partners in DC to advocate for the shutdown of Line 5. Photo from Sierra Club.

Coming off the heels of the disheartening Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC) decision on December 1 with the siting approval for Enbridge’s Line 5 tunnel, the Mackinac Straits Corridor Authority (MSCA) followed suit with a troubling meeting of their own on December 8. (MSCA is the body overseeing Enbridge’s Line 5 oil tunnel project.)

Among the unsettling news from this meeting was that no engineering staff will be on-site if or when tunnel construction happens and questionable practices came to light on how the authority is handling contract procurement. Additionally, Michigan taxpayers will pay close to one million dollars for legal and technical expertise for the foreign oil and gas company’s tunnel project.

Many voiced their frustration for the lack of transparency during the public comments portion of the meeting, including Christy McGillivray, Sierra Club’s Political and Legislative Director. Click here to see her comments. 

Enbridge cannot start tunnel construction without the final permit they need from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. A decision is not expected for several years. 

This is far from over! Sierra Club and other green groups are escalating the fight to shut down Line 5, hoping members of Congress will urge President Biden to revoke the presential permit. Earlier this month, they traveled to Washington D.C. to participate in a federal strategy meeting, engaged with key members of the democratic delegation and EPA staff, participated in a congressional briefing and attended a reception on Capitol Hill. The meetings were well received and the trip was deemed a success.

Senator Peter speaking at Line 5 reception
Photo of advocates with Rep. Tlaib


(left) Senator Gary Peters speaks to advocates in DC during the Line 5 lobby days. (right) Sierra Club leaders and partners meet with Congresswoman Tlaib to discuss federal strategies to shut down Line 5. Photos courtesy Sierra Club.

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