Transforming Michigan’s Energy Future

Climate alarms are ringing everywhere. On a global scale, Earth hit its highest recorded temperature for seven days straight, and right here in Michigan, we’ve faced the new reality of life threatening air pollution from wildfires within our state and Canada. For consecutive weeks, Detroit had some of (and at times) the worst air quality in the world, due to bigger and longer-lasting wildfires linked to climate change. It’s easy to check the news and see the temperature records, the floods, the fires, and feel helpless. Fortunately, we’re not – in fact, we have the biggest opportunity we’ve ever had in Michigan to aggressively attack the climate crisis head-on. 

The Sierra Club along with our partners have been hard at work in the state legislature to ensure a new reality. Right now, we have a monumental opportunity to transform Michigan’s energy future. This past month, three groundbreaking policies that reduce carbon emissions, make electricity more affordable and reliable, and invest in Michigan’s clean energy economy have been introduced in the state legislature.

Clean Energy Standard: Setting strong clean energy targets (HB 4759 and SB 271)
To tackle the climate crisis, Michigan must replace the fossil fuels powering our electrical grid with clean energy to achieve carbon-free power by 2035. This bill would set a strong, binding statewide target for renewable power to get us there. President Biden has set a goal for a 100% clean power sector nationwide by 2035 – which can’t be achieved without Michigan.

Energy Waste Reduction: Setting cost-effective energy savings targets (HB 4761 and SB 273)
The cheapest, cleanest form of energy is the energy not used in the first place. Unfortunately, an outdated electrical grid powered by unreliable fossil fuels and homes with inadequate insulation and inefficient equipment means A LOT more energy is wasted to actually keep homes at safe temperatures – especially in extreme weather. This bill requires utilities like DTE and Consumers Energy to expand their commitments to reducing energy waste in Michigan homes and buildings, including a required focus on low-income communities, investments in expanding and diversifying energy efficiency jobs, and providing consumers with more affordable energy.

Empowering the Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC) (HB 4760 and SB 272)
The MPSC regulates investor-owned utilities by overseeing whether dirty fossil fuels or clean solar and wind are used to produce our energy, how much we pay for our energy bills, and utilities’ response to power outages. This bill provides the MPSC with the tools it needs to protect the public interest and achieve our climate, affordability, and equity goals.

These bills represent more than just a response to the climate crisis. They present a transformative opportunity to secure a future where clean, reliable, and affordable energy is a reality for all Michiganders.

Let’s seize this moment and transform our state into a national leader on climate action and equitable clean energy solutions. The urgency with which we need to move Michigan away from climate-disrupting pollution has never been greater. The work of the Sierra Club Michigan Chapter and our members is critical. Please stay engaged with our emails in the coming months to learn about specific actions you can take, and in the meantime, commit to calling your state Representative here and your State Senator here to ask that they act on climate and clean energy – and keep calling until these bills are passed! The utilities and fossil fuel interests won’t back down, so neither can we!

For more ways to get engaged, or with questions about the legislation, please contact Michigan Chapter Deputy Legislative and Political Director Tim Minotas at or (517) 999-1305