Mike Berkowitz's Farewell from Sierra Club

The Michigan Sierra Club is bidding a fond farewell to one of the most transformative members of our staff after twelve years of outstanding leadership and innovation. Mike Berkowitz’s skill at organizing and policy advocacy, as well as his exceptional skills collaborating with partner organizations and Sierra Club volunteers and staff across the country, earned him the respect and affection of those who worked with him in these arenas. 

Mike began his Sierra Club career with the Michigan Chapter staffing our legislative and political work. He immediately began to expand our citizen lobbying  program, routinely turning out 100 or more Sierra Club volunteers for Lobby Days in Lansing. Building on the work of prior staff members, Mike’s enthusiasm and attention to detail raised the bar, establishing a strong presence from constituents across the state visiting their representatives and senators to advocate for strong environmental legislation. 

Mike brought his focus as well to building our volunteer engagement efforts into the electoral arena, partnering with Chapter and grassroots leaders across the state to foster engagement in electing environmental leaders at the state and local level. Collaborating with then Political Committee chair Richard Barron, Mike and Richard brought the Political Roadshow to local Sierra Club groups and leaders, educating and engaging activists in the hands on organizing efforts essential to elect environmental leaders. 

The single most transformative effort that Mike has led was the creation of an extensive program for engaging students in internships with the Chapter’s political program across the state. Mike created a program that recruited, trained, placed and supported dozens of interns each election year by placing them in campaigns for Sierra Club endorsed candidates. This program has been hailed by Sierra Club political programs and chapters across the country as one of the important innovations for Sierra Club electoral engagement. In addition to helping elect environmental leaders, the political internship program has trained hundreds of people who are working in or volunteering for environmental causes, including some that have run for elective office, creating an extraordinary legacy. 

Mike’s pioneering efforts have been continued and expanded by the Michigan Chapter’s current Legislative and Political staff members, Tim Minotas and Christy McGillivray. Mike has generously shared his time and expertise with them and legislative and political volunteers, including moving into a volunteer role with the Michigan Chapter Political Committee when he moved to the Beyond Coal Campaign in Michigan. 

Over the past few years Mike has been at the heart of Sierra Club’s Beyond Coal Campaign in Michigan. In this role Mike’s skill at building collaborative teams, his attention to the complex range of policy issues and strategy, and his dedication to fighting environmental injustices as well as climate change, has gained him the admiration of Sierra Club leaders and partner organizations across the country. The successful shutdown of coal plants and requirements for Michigan utilities to move faster toward a fossil free future while ensuring a just transition was greatly facilitated by Mike’s skills as a convenor, and his humility and attention to the needs of the team. 
On a positive note, Mike plans to continue to volunteer with the Michigan Chapter Political Committee, and those who know him will be calling on him for guidance as well as to share a love for hockey, comics and great Michigan beers. As Mike starts his new job leading Michigan’s policy work for an innovative energy organization, we know we’ll continue working with him closely, and enjoying his company for years to come. 

Below are some notes from Mike Berkowitz’s colleagues sharing their appreciation for his tenure with Sierra Club:

Mike, You have been the face of the Sierra Club for many in the chapter and at many coalition tables. Even years later, many volunteers fondly remember your lobby days. I think that is a testament to the AMAZING work you've done at the state, and through Beyond Coal. Thanks for all you've put in, and for supporting organizing. Congratulations on your new role! I'm sure you will continue to do amazing things.  Andrew Sarpolis

You've always been a super-hero and we are going to miss you badly! From your first days as our extremely enthusiastic legislative and political staffer, to your 100 hour weeks making sure the Sierra Club was becoming the extraordinary force it has become in your dozen years here, we have been incredibly fortunate to have your innovation, energy and just plain good humor lead us! You have made a huge difference for Michigan and for Sierra Club, and it is clear you will continue to make a difference going forward. Thank you so much, and I look forward to you joining the ranks of volunteers!  Anne Woiwode 

I can't thank you enough for your mentorship and friendship, and for believing in my ability to do the work over the years. I still remember the first time you and I met on the Michigan bus to Power Shift 2013 talking about all things hockey, the Sierra Club, and your political internship program. From taking me under your wing as a political intern, legislative intern, and member of the political committee, all the way to hiring me on as staff; Where I am today is because of you. I can't wait to see all of the great work you will do at Elevate and the positive impact I know you will make.    Tim Minotas

Thank you for your mentorship. I learned a lot from you since joining the Sierra Club Michigan chapter. I'm particularly grateful for the retreat you planned...when I knew for sure I'm a part of a great team.    Tamara Horne

I always felt like your work and knowledge of the issues was incredible.  Your speed talk through all the stuff you did when you were policy/legislative director was amazing.  Even as a new staffer, I could understand and felt I was getting first hand and up to the minute information about what was happening in state politics.  Sierra Club won't be the same and I am so sad that we are losing another super terrific person and environmental advocate.  We are better with you but I'm happy to know that you will still be in the fight.   Erma Leaphart

Thank you so much for taking the time to make sure that I had everything I needed to fill your shoes. (if that's even possible). Not only did you leave meticulous records and files, you've always made yourself available during my panicked last minute calls and.. most importantly.. you have gone out on a limb to have my back in some really tough situations. Your support has been incredibly meaningful and helped me feel at home in a role at Sierra Club. Although my ego took a little hit every time my presence at local group and pol comm meetings was bemoaned because i'm not you, (seriously, the question i've answered most from members is "BUT WHERE IS MIKE BERKOWITZ") it became crystal clear that the joy and loyalty you leave in your wake is because you take such good care of *everyone* in your orbit. You are wonderful and make the world better at both the micro and macro level with the way you exist in it. To the point where I've found myself asking "hmm... what would Mike Berkowitz do?" more than once. Thank you for setting such a good example, letting your actions always speak just as loudly as your words, and leaving an inspiring legacy for those following in your footsteps.   Christy McGillivray

I honestly don't know how you do everything you do and still do it so well! In all my interactions working closely with you for the last four years or so since you have led the MI BCC team, you have been incredibly responsive, prepared, kind, smart, strategic, and so many more complimentary adjectives. I will really miss working with you.  Elena Saxonhouse

I have always found myself inspired by your stories of how you organized your political interns program on a shoe-string and then helped those interns not just to support and win local election victories but also to get jobs with legislators after those victories. To me, you were always doing some of the best work of this organization and gave and will continue to give me inspiration at the Club and in the movement.  Liz Pallatto

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