DTE Can Do Better!

The Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC) is now considering DTE Energy’s long-term plan to provide electricity for our state. This plan is a roadmap for how DTE plans to power Michigan homes and businesses for the next 20 years.

Beyond that, it will affect how much we pay each month for power and whether fossil fuel plants will continue to pollute our air and water and sicken our communities.

The MPSC is reviewing the plan, public comments, and expert testimony before deciding in August. Between now and then, it’s important that the commission hears from the most important stakeholders: DTE ratepayers like you.

DTE’s plan fails to prioritize communities of color and low-income communities that first suffer the worst of the devastating public health impacts from pollution and the climate crisis. Instead, the plan prioritizes profit for its shareholders.

As multiple outages from this year show, we need decisive action to slow climate change to avoid even worse storms and heat waves in the future. Yet DTE’s plan locks in fossil-gas power for decades and continues actively restricting rooftop solar and community-owned power generation.

DTE must also invest more in efficiency programs, weatherization and retrofitting of older homes to reduce the disproportionately high energy costs paid by communities of color and low-income communities due to decades of racist housing policies. Energy efficiency also lowers bills for customers and reduces pollution in our state.

A broad coalition of clean energy, environmental justice and consumer advocacy organizations graded DTE’s proposed plan, looking at clean energy benefits affordability and equity. Check out the report card for yourself and let the commission know that DTE can do better.

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