Successful Oakland County Climate March

Former Congressman Andy Levin and State Rep. Helena Scott, chair of the state House Energy Committee, headlined the speakers and were Honorary Co-Chairs of the Oakland County Climate March, Rally and Fair in Royal Oak on Earth Day. Hundreds turned out to march and rally and forty organizations staffed tables showing their action and education agendas. 

The theme was "Act Locally for a Healthy Climate". "I love that theme," said Andy Levin. "Local action drives the big picture changes we need in transportation, land use, buildings - all big opportunities to drive our economy and create good union jobs."

Rep. Scott pledged support and action in Lansing on clean energy and climate change. Joining her on this was State Sen. Mallory McMorrow. Oakland County Executive Dave Coulter welcomed the crowd and affirmed the county's intent to continue efforts to curb emissions and be a leader in climate action.

Turn Oakland County Green, a coalition of environmental groups and activists initiated by the Sierra Club, co-sponsored this second annual Earth Day event with the City of Royal Oak Environmental Advisory Board.

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