Enviro leaders speak out: It’s time to prioritize the Great Lakes, not polluters

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday May 3, 2023 
CONTACT: Christy McGillivray, christy.mcgillivray@sierraclub.org, (808) 726-5325; Mary Brady-Enerson, mhbrady@cleanwater.org, (248) 417-5583

Enviro leaders speak out: It’s time to prioritize the Great Lakes, not polluters

Lansing, MI - Environmental leaders issued the following statements in response to the announcement that Representatives Angela Witwer (D-76), Pat Outman (R-91), and Tyrone Carter (D-1) are moving forward on bad aggregate mining legislation opposed by green groups in Lansing before acting on clean energy priorities, polluter pay legislation, and Great Lakes protections

“Millions of voters backed candidates that promised to deliver on clean energy, strong polluter accountability, and Great Lakes protections. Michiganders saw right through the dirty money that polluters spent in 2022 to attack environmental champions, and they deserve action. The state House has not moved on any of the environmental issues that millions of Michiganders voiced their support for at the ballot box last year. Instead, House leaders are introducing and pushing a bill opposed by both the environmental community and their own constituents. This is unacceptable.” –Mary Brady-Enerson, Michigan Director, Clean Water Action

No matter our race or zip code, everyone in Michigan deserves access to clean air and water, renewable energy, and safe neighborhoods where our families can thrive for generations to come. From Detroit to Marquette, every community deserves the public health protections and polluter accountability that State Legislators have promised for years. Now that leadership has changed in Lansing we expect our elected officials to deliver on their commitments – not cave to multi-client lobbyists and dark money. ”  - Jamesa Johnson-Greer, Executive Director, Michigan Environmental Justice Coalition

“We have a small window of opportunity to tackle the climate crisis – time is up. Instead of moving the clean energy priorities voters demanded, today’s announcement indicates that the State House is caving to the same dark money in Lansing that has stalled meaningful climate action and polluter accountability for decades. There’s a pathway to making this bill package better and we are ready to work with legislators to do so, but we must act on clean energy first. It is a betrayal of the voters that turned out for the first pro-environment majority in decades to push legislation that will make water quality worse.” –Elayne Elliot, Chapter Director, Sierra Club Michigan 


The Sierra Club is America’s largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization, with more than 4 million members and supporters nationwide, and over 150,000 in Michigan. In addition to creating opportunities for people of all ages, levels and locations to have meaningful outdoor experiences, the Sierra Club works to safeguard the health of our communities, protect wildlife, and preserve our remaining wild places through grassroots activism, public education, lobbying, and litigation. For more information, visit http://www.sierraclub.org.


Since its founding during the campaign to pass the landmark Clean Water Act in 1972, Clean Water Action has worked to win strong health and environmental protections by bringing issue expertise, solution-oriented thinking and people power to the table. Clean Water Action has over 135,000 members across the state. Through direct advocacy and education we organize Michigan residents to protect the Great Lakes and our water resources. Learn more at www.cleanwateraction.org/mi 


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