To Our Members - Look Out for the March Appeal!

Question: What happens in the month of March?

A) Spring equinox
B) St. Patrick’s Day
C) March Madness
D) The Sierra Club Michigan Chapter’s March Appeal

Answer: All of the above!

What is the March Appeal? The month of March is one of only two times the Michigan Chapter can ask all Sierra Club members for direct support through the mail.

As you know, the Michigan Chapter fights every day to stop the flow of oil through the aging Enbridge Line 5 oil pipeline, move Michigan beyond fossil fuels and toward clean energy, safeguard the Great Lakes, increase and leverage political power in Michigan and protect our state's forests and wild places.
Keep an eye out for the robin on the March Appeal envelope in the mailbox soon. Every dollar you contribute will stay in Michigan and support Sierra Club's fight for a better Michigan future.

Gifts can also be made right now by going to the donate button below. The donation form also provides a link to a tax-deductible gift option if that is preferred. Thank you!



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