Vice President Harris Visits Michigan with a Message - We Can’t Wait One More Minute - We Have to Act Now on Climate.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, Thursday, January 11, 2023

CONTACT: Sarah Tresedder,, 906-869-4167

Vice President Harris Visits Michigan with a Message: We Can’t Wait One More Minute - We Have to Act Now on Climate.
Sierra Club applauds the Biden Administration for prioritizing climate action

Ann Arbor, MI - Sierra Club activists and staff traveled to Ann Arbor Thursday to hear Vice President Kamala Harris discuss the Biden administration's current and future plans to address the climate crisis. This event comes after Michigan Chapter Director Elayne Elliott was invited to the White House Wednesday for a private meeting with Vice President Harris, as well as National Climate Advisor Ali Zaidi, implementation chief John Podesta, infrastructure advisor Mitch Landrieu, and White House Council on Environmental Quality Chair Brenda Mallory.

Following Wednesday’s meeting, Director Elliott said “Sierra Club Michigan represents over 150,000 Michigan citizens, and they care about climate action. We are encouraged by the strong work being done by the Biden and Harris administration, including their commitment to invest $1 trillion in clean energy in the next decade. Climate Change is the biggest threat facing our country and planet and without these critical investments it is going to cost us trillions more.”

Officials on Wednesday called on groups to reach out to their local and state governments to make sure that the funds provided by the Inflation Reduction Act are spent equitably with a special focus on vulnerable and underserved communities, including rural regions like those in Michigan’s upper peninsula and central regions.

Elliott continued “It’s a welcome change to have a federal government prioritize communities who have historically been mistreated and discriminated against. Higher air pollution levels, more toxic industries, and other environmental injustices must be addressed. And the way to address them is to make sure these communities are receiving the money they need and deserve”

On Thursday, the message coming from Vice President Harris, as well as Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm was much the same. Speaking to a larger crowd at the Rackham Auditorium at the University of Michigan, both discussed how Michigan can place itself as a leader in clean energy and battery production. 

Sierra Club Political and Legislative Director Christy McGillivray was in attendance for the event and said “For the first time in decades we have state leadership that will prioritize climate action. Michiganders voted for clean renewable energy and Great Lakes protections, and we will push our lawmakers to deliver on their election platforms. The Michigan Chapter is ready to roll up our sleeves and get back to work to protect our Great Lakes, our natural resources, and our communities.”


The Sierra Club is America’s largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization, with more than 4 million members and supporters nationwide, and over 150,000 in Michigan. In addition to creating opportunities for people of all ages, levels and locations to have meaningful outdoor experiences, the Sierra Club works to safeguard the health of our communities, protect wildlife, and preserve our remaining wild places through grassroots activism, public education, lobbying, and litigation. For more information, visit

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